Sunday, May 17, 2009

Retreat and Rest

This weekend was my rest, my sabbath. I put down my work and entered into communion with God in the mountains.

I had a wonderful, fulfilling time at a retreat for minister's wives. I missed my husband and my family, but I was still reluctant to come home. As a minister's wife, I often find myself too busy at church and home to be properly fed by God's word. And I will admit that with my stressed out life I have been neglecting my time with God.

This weekend I was able to put aside my life and focus on God and what He was trying to tell me. I prayed that Christ be the center of my family all weekend and nothing else. Amazing seminars were offered and I soaked up every word -classes on domestic violence, anger, marriage and prayer.

I committed to God the things of my life and my family but God put those things to the test before I even made it home. I got a phone call from my husband with news of a "slight" family emergency. Pre-retreat I would have just withdrawn and ignored the situation letting my husband deal with it; but this was now post-retreat. How was I going to handle this situation?

I wish I had a snazzy verse or spiritual insight to share but sometimes life is not like that, even as a minister's wife. I simply prayed; waited for my husband to get home; then dealt with it together, as a team, with the love of Christ on our hearts.

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